Trauma Release and Laughter

Experience the magic of releasing tension and stress in a fun and lighthearted way!

Mark your calendar! August 31, 2024 9:45am-3:30pm

Register here:

Laugher and TRE® are activities that slow down mental activity, increase playful positivity and engage the body’s natural wisdom for self-healing and rebalancing. Bonding with others in an uplifting manner activates positive neuroplasticity in our brain, and it builds new neural pathways for feeling good.

Join Carla and Maria, and be a part of this dynamic and fun experiential day-long session, diving into the modalities of Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®), Laughter Yoga and Joyful Embodiment

This group experience promises to be transformative and playful; you’ll leave feeling uplifted, empowered, lighter, happier, and more connected to your body….LOVING LIFE!

Some benefits of these combined practices:
Release stress and tension from the body
Learn how to regulate your nervous system
Free up stored energy and reclaim aliveness
Decrease anxiety, aches and pains
Improve sleep, mood & digestion
Discharge emotional and physical trauma
Increase creativity, productivity and problem solving skills
Connect to your inner wisdom, delight and joy

Register here:

TRE is practice by millions of people in over 90 countries. It is a series of simple exercises which assist the body in, releasing deep patterns of stress, tension and trauma by inducing a gentle shaking response called neurogenic tremors. It is pleasant, effective and fun. Participants report immediate physical and emotional benefit, even from a single workshop.

LAUGHTER YOGA is a powerful practice of intentional laughter exercises, coupled with breathing and playful movements to invite joyful connection with self and others. Through eye-contact and childlike playfulness, simulated laughter in a group, becomes real and contagious. Joyful embodiment anchors the energy of Laughter Yoga, offering positive rewiring to the brain and body, shifting mental and emotional states to more joy.

Live Oak Grange

$99 early bird (register by August 9th at midnight PST)
$129 after 8/9/24
Bring a buddy, $150 for both by 8/9/24, $225 for both after 8/9/24

Register here:

INSTRUCTIONS To register for this event:
Top box “Payment for” fill in: Trauma Release and Laughter
(Amount of people) 1 person
2nd box, “Amount” fill in: 
(amount you are paying. i.e. for one person) 99
You can pay with your PayPal or a debit/credit card.

Contact Maria for more questions:

No Refunds – Credit towards future events to be arranged with Maria or Carla.

Spread the word about this fantastic one-day event and support your friends to liberate trauma and tension, and activate the flow of happy chemicals through TRE® and Laughter!

CARLA H BROWN is a highly respected expert in laughter, joyful embodiment, and emotional well-being. She is the 2023 World Laughter Champion, a Laughter Yoga and Grief Yoga® Teacher, a Grief and Joy Coach, and international trainer. With over 30 years of experience in holistic health, Carla focuses on integrating laughter into areas of grief, loss, and trauma, highlighting the physical and mental benefits of positive emotions. She has taught in Europe, India and Asia, spreading happiness and delight, while offering experiential classes and workshops, using a playful, trauma-informed, neuroscientific approach.

MARIA  ALFARO is a senior TRE facilitator. She has more than 20 years  experience, teaching hundreds of workshops and trainings, working with thousands of students in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. She’s known for creating a supportive, compassionate and entertaining learning environment, that is fun and feels safe.