Grief Yoga® Online


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What is GriefYoga®? 

Losses of every kind are occurring for all of us, every day, in many ways. These create unseen, cumulative stress in our bodies and nervous systems affect our mental and emotional health. GriefYoga® offers a safe, loving space to honor and cherish these losses in our lives by tending to them in the body. 

Through movement, breath, and sound you will express and release heavy, intense emotions that can get trapped in your body when the heart is grieving. GriefYoga® helps to metabolize grief in the body, liberating the pain and suffering and moving it through in order to connect to love again. 

Why this is important now?

Along with the profound personal losses many of us have experienced during the pandemic, our world is in the process of messy transformation and upheaval. We are collectively experiencing trauma and feeling deep loss on many levels. This can activate unprocessed trauma and grief from past losses, causing a cascade of sadness and other overwhelming emotions that can seem confusing in our minds.

This type of grief can leave us debilitated and unable to do much. 

Cumulative, unresolved grief in the body can show up as exhaustion, depression, overwhelm, apathy and anxiety. Read more about common grief reactions.

GriefYoga® is an experiential class that can help liberate and transform inner pain & suffering related to loss, regret and disappointment. Combining many forms of yoga, movement, breath and sound techniques, this powerful practice helps to release pain, free the body and support you in reconnecting to empowerment and joy.
I will lead you in bringing awareness, expression and connection to unspoken, unfelt emotions and release them through the body without intellectualizing or bypassing the feelings.
In a loving, safe setting, you will have the opportunity to get-it-out! Scream, punch, move and release!! Free yourself of all that emotion you’ve been holding onto. Let it go! And feel peace again so you can take action from a clear, grounded place.
Whatever we repress, gets stuck in our bodies and robs us of energy, compromising our capacity for aliveness and joy. Time to let it go!
In an online GriefYoga® experience, you have the opportunity to turn your video off so you can have an intimate and private expression of your pain and still be connected to the group.
Cost: $30-55 (suggested donation based on your financial means)
No one is turned away for lack of funds.
Please note: This class is open to anyone, it is not a traditional yoga class. You can sit in a chair and take this class.
Please reach out with any questions. I am happy to help. All of you is welcome in this space.
Questions? Email Carla

As a Certified GriefYoga® Teacher, I will… guide you to bring awareness, expression and connection to the unspoken, unfelt emotions and release them through the body.

A safe and sacred container will be created, offering a space to feel the emotions and let them move through. We will witness and compassionately support each other to feel and heal. 

In this high-tech/low touch society we are living in, GriefYoga® offers a place of big heart and deep connection for people to come together, feel and release painful emotions, reengage the breath and body, and restore peace and ease to the whole system. 

Together we will create a connected, supportive space and be witnesses for each other to feel and heal. Many experience a feeling of relief and peace at the end.

If you or someone you know is experiencing deep grief, and the physical pain and suffering that can occur with a recent loss(es), consider participating in this class or pass on this info to someone who could benefit.

Not a typical yoga class; more emotionally and inwardly focused. Yoga experience helpful, though not required. Can be seated for entire class if needed. This class is suitable for people who have experienced loss of any kind.

Email with questions.

Attending Carla‘s grief yoga workshops helped me release pent up emotions, allow myself to be loud and cry and sob, and also regain a sense of allowing my feelings, especially since I was in a group of other folks who were allowing their grief, pain and suffering to emote and be present in the safe container created by Carla. (Lisa Mendez, recent participant)

If you are interested in bringing GriefYoga® to your community, please email me at