Beautiful, Joyous Community! It’s happening! I’m on my World Laughter and Joy Tour! I started in Europe in Sept 2023, and then to India in October to speak of the World Laughter Conference. After traveling around India for 6 weeks, I landed in Thailand! The laughter ensued, as I met laughter yogis in Bangkok, Chaing Rai and Koh Phayam!

I am now in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, with the most amazing, dedicated laughter yoga community you can imagine! The Johor Bahru Happy and Joyous Club. I will be here laughing and learning from them until early March. And then off to Europe! Are you there already?! I’d love to laugh with you! Email me at

You can follow my traveling adventures on Patreon here. Or sign up for my newsletter on this page, in the right column, to receive periodic updates while I’m on the road.

If you would like to bring more laughter and mindfulness into your company or organization, please email me at


“Ultimately, I want to give those that I support a richer, deeper experience of joy, in the body and mind. By discovering the areas where you are pinched off, you open to expanded possibilities of joy in your life.”Carla H. Brown

Laughter yoga with Carla was something I have never experienced before. I was able to obtain tools I can implement on a daily basis. Thank you for the knowledge and fun experience.

Sylvia R.
CSUMB, Monterey, CA

I’m wanting to encourage you to join me for Carla’s yoga classes for the next 5 weeks. It was exactly the experience I needed… I came away with a shift in some physical discomfort I’d been having that day, a lot emotional energy was released and I felt so nurtured. Thank you, Carla for such a beautiful healing session! I so appreciated how you supported us in being gentle with ourselves and doing what felt right in the moment. What a wonderful offering!

Karen L.

Hey Carla! Woke up feeling very well today, more alive and hopeful and clear than in a while. The laughter yoga helped a bunch, thanks again!

E Hutchison
June 2016, in-person Laughter session

Over a period of 12 months in 2018, Carla H Brown led the Laughter Yoga Satellite Dialysis Healthcare Laugh Out Loud Program. She led the team of Laughter Yoga therapists providing group laughter therapy in 3 separate large dialysis centers.

Throughout this time Carla was simply incredible, especially improving the lives of people with end-stage kidney disease on dialysis. Her combination of professionalism, enthusiasm and an amazing talent to bring patients and staff together through Laughter Yoga was an inspiration to all.

I would highly recommend Carla to anyone looking for a Laughter Yoga Teacher.

Laughter Dialysis exterpts
Professor Paul Bennett MHSM PhD
Director, Research, Satellite Healthcare and Dialysis, San Jose, California, USA

Thank you so much Carla for the laughter yoga session! The next day I felt a good shift and was functioning better. I do think it interrupted some patterns and moved energy… a great reboot! What a powerful gift you’re giving in this intense time (COVID19 online classes).  It was lovely to see and hear you and your laughter. You dealt very gracefully with the internet issues and it all worked out. I’m going to tell friends about my experience and give them the zoom info to join on a Wednesday. It’s what we need right now.

Karen Testimonial Portrait
Karen L
Los Angeles- 6/18/20

I have researched and presented on laughter yoga before. Yet, never experienced it until Carla. She was born to do this! It was exhilarating and freeing. I would recommend this for everyone.

Kim B.
CSUMB, Monterey, CA

You are a master teacher. You handled it (student breakdown in class) in such a beautiful way. And THEN you made it a teaching moment. Just the way you dealt with everything. You made it calm and safe. You’ve got a real gift. You just flowed with it. You take the teachable moments w grace. You are a master. Not everyone is cut out for this. Thank you. Lets do it again soon.

Linda Testimonial Portrait
Linda K.
Santa Cruz, CA

Carla’s morning reboot is like a long perfect drink of water. A half hour of remembering who you really are and opening to or receiving what you will/can become (through body movements, breathing, laughter, etc)

Carla teaches us to make peace within ourselves by recognizing where in our body we hold onto old patterns. A half hour of movement, letting go, and ultimately recognizing who you truly are. It’s fun and I feel so much better afterwards!

Laurie M

I experienced real laughter for the majority of the session. I was laughing so hard I was crying by the end. Some great take away tools that I  have already incorporated into my daily routine. I Highly recommend laughter sessions with Carla. Didn’t realize how much of a stress relief laughing truly is. Carla  was amazing. Would love to experience this again!

Martine Armstrong, Asst Director
Educational Opportunity Program & Guardian Scholars Program CSUMB, California State University Monterey Bay , 2018
I’ve been working with Carla for a few months now-both attending laughter yoga, Joy Reboot and private sessions.  I’ve done a lot of spiritual work over the years in a number of different paradigms.  The question appeared “How does letting go of lower energies (grief, shame, fear, guilt) and moving into joy FEEL and look when it is embodied?  How does that become the “default” way of being? Working with Carla, I get practical exercises and experiences of that in a way I’ve never had before.  Working with forming new neural pathways I have access to lightness, joy and a new freedom!  I recommend her work highly!
Patricia Maass

Your voice and guidance throughout the (GriefYoga) class was five stars! Very healing. How did you ever get into wanting to help people who’ve lost best love? I will always remember it & will refer a friend.

Marti W., Grief Yoga® session Nov 2020
Shasta County, CA

Carla is a masterful facilitator in creating a safe and powerful workshop to help move and release emotions related to grief in the body. Having others available even through Zoom was very supportive. I felt lighter, freer, and more at peace. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone seeking deep healing, release and transformation.

Vicki W Testimonial Portrait
Vicki W
Fremont, CA

Thank you, Carla, for a very enlightening morning. The Laughter session was a welcome relief in the midst of a very hectic week. I will be inviting you to join us again. You are a very dynamic instructor, Carla. I was impressed with your ability to draw the group into Laughter Yoga and how much we all participated in and enjoyed the experience! I will be referring your program to others in our mental health community. Thank you so much!

Barbara Salata
Senior Outreach Family Service Agency of the Central Coast

I really loved the class. You are so warm and open! I really feel your kindness and love here and always.

Rib Scott

Laughing yoga is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I was skeptical at first as I am not a yoga person. I’m not flexible and have never felt like yoga is for me. I had so much fun! It was extremely therapeutic and got me completely outside of my comfort zone.


Thank you so much for the space and guidance you provided for releasing and healing in GriefYoga. I’m feeling the evidence physically of the effectiveness of this work. Exhaustion was there afterwards for sure but the main realization was that the heaviness around my heart had lifted after our time together. Definitely feeling lighter. Hurrah!

I knew I would be an emotional experience but it was a different than I imagined – as it was not from my head but coming up from the inside organically. It’s powerful to experience what movement, breathe and sound can do for us. 

Feeling very grateful for your grace, vulnerability, gentleness and expertise. Clearly this is your calling.

Karen Testimonial Portrait
Karen L.
Los Angeles, CA

What is beautiful is that Carla has all these techniques from various programs in therapy, yoga and mental health—-whatever the latest verbiage may be—and she incorporates them into body, mind and spirit movements. You have no idea how unique this is.

Sue Serlin-Resnick

I am happy to tell you how Laughter Yoga helps me.

I learned about LY:   In 2010 Laughter Yoga sessions were held in my small city of Bath, Maine.  I really enjoyed it and I could see that I became more friendly.  Later in that year I became a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader.  I did not have a place to have a club, so I was offering it at some local businesses.

I previously had breast cancer and 3 lymph nodes were removed to see if it had spread.  It had not spread.  Strangely, to me, my lymphatic system did not move correctly in my right arm.  I wore a customized compression garment created at a Lymphedema Center; a 30 minute drive away.   Every year, I was measured for the garment with the use of a highly specialized machine that determined what the extra fluid was in my right arm and the new compression garment that I needed to have.

Even with the garment I would still get an infection, extreme redness and fluid buildup and had to go to the hospital for a 4–5-day treatment with an IV.  I NEVER knew when it would occur.  It was very upsetting!!

The exciting part for me was when I read an article on Dr. Kataria’s site abouthow the lymphatic system and that laughter moved the lymph 10 times more than any other exercise!    The day of my next year’s appoint at the Lymphedema Center, I laughed all the way from my house to the Center.  Their special machine determined I did not need to wear a garment.    The following year, I did the same thing, I laughed all the way (at least 30 minutes) to the Lymphedema Center, and again I did not need to wear a compression garment.  The fluid in my arm this time was less than the year before !!!  I proved to myself that laughing really does move my lymphatic fluid.

During the worst of Covid I did not want to go to the hospital as they were busy enough with patients.  I decided I would go to many LY Zoom sessions.  My lymph has moved and in 5 years I have not had a problem!

    Marcia Jackson


Carla, We LOVE your Laughter Yoga Online Club on Wednesdays! Thank you so much for all your efforts & thoughtfulness.

Frank and Sherry Testimonial Portrait
Sherry & Frank Avila, Regular students
Chicago, IL, Online Laughter session Summer 2020

Stunning and Masterful!

Cat Testimonial Portrait
Cat Guthrie
East coast, Grief Yoga® class in Sept 2020

I just wanted to thank you for your laughter classes.  I love it that you include the science and are providing more of a support group with your laughter sessions.  It’s fun to watch and I appreciate you.

Carla and friend
Teresa C – RN, Laughter Yoga Teacher
San Francisco, CA Summer 2020
That was amazing! I loved Carla’s laughter exercises, her infectious laughter and including everyone with their wonderful experiences and challenges as well to turn into laughter and light.  Carla is great at integrating meditation, tapping, pressure points and marvelous suggestions to uplift and bring infectious joy.  I loved it.
The way she put this together was among the best I’ve seen. She should be teaching instructors. She brings beauty into life through Laughter Yoga and your own creativity.
Great experience!
Sue Serlin-Resnick

On a very personal level I felt “proud of us” (CFWN) for this is one kind of presentation that is deeply aligned with our original mission … and as MaryAnna said Carla really shines. Her enthusiasm is authentic & compelling and you could tell that people were soaking it up.

Cent For World Networking Service Member


Free 15 minute consults!

If you are interested in getting to know the sort of work I do, and what services I can provide you, or just want to chat, book a consult!


I WON - AGAIN!!!!!!

(what an honor!!)

Watch the announcement of my win!

World Laughter Champion!


Interview with Paul Denniston founder of GriefYoga

Below is a wonderful interview with the amazing Paul Denniston, founder of GriefYoga and author of the new book Healing Through Yoga: Transform Loss Into Empowerment (you can go to his website to purchase the book).

  • One of the reasons I connected with Paul so deeply is that he brought laughter into the world of grief. The fifth component of GriefYoga is called Evolution, and he talks about cultivating perseverance and play and discovering purpose. There’s a powerful dynamic when you pair grief and Laughter together. Check out the video and let me know what you think!


I recently was involved in a study with Satellite Healthcare in the Bay Area looking at the effects of laughter therapy for patients undergoing hemodialysis. I am so honored to participate in this incredible work! I urge you to check out the published study here.

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With the director of the Dialysis study and another laughter colleague