Laughter and Joy Reset
Enter the Laughter and Joy Reset 2023!
Every day from January 7th – 27th, I am making short (15 minute) live videos at 9:30AM Pacific designed to support you in embodying more joy, practicing emotional hygiene, learning how to move in positive open and uplifting ways, even when you’re feeling heavy, disconnected, sad, or dysregulated. I hope this free event can bring you fun and joy, supporting you in the coming year.
We will engage in the practice of laughter and joyful embodiment as a tool to support the body in moving through difficult emotions and reclaiming ease, peace and joy again.
Please join me for this fun free event! You can find each day live on Facebook as well as posted on my Instagram account. I will post updates, reminders, and countdowns to both places!
Below you will find a playlist with all the videos so far! Hope you enjoy!